Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Odie and Boone Take on Tyler Perry

by Odienator

I'm on my way to EbertFest, where I'll be reporting for this blog. In the meantime, please enjoy the latest e-convo between me and my fellow BMV troublemaker, Steven Boone.

It's been too long since we last had a Big Media Vandalism tete-a-tete, and I've got just the troublemaking topic for us: Emmitt Perry, Jr. Our reading audience will know him by his stage first name, Tyler.

Dissed by Black directors for engaging in "coonery," and dismissed by the same critics who'd lick the asses of even worse directors channeling in mumblecore, Tyler Perry has nonetheless managed to succeed. Like Roger Corman, he has his own studio AND all his movies have made money. In the past 10 years, I've read numerous books on Zanuck, Louis B. Mayer, Harry Cohn, Jack Warner and other Hollywood moguls. After reading their exploits, I had to conclude that, in his own ghetto fabulous way, Tyler Perry has brought the old studio system back to Hollywood.

Read more at Tales of Odienary Madness!

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Play nicely, folks. Don't make me come down there.