After MGM put out Cabin in the Sky, 20th Century-Fox followed with a Lena Horne film of its own called Stormy Weather. Unlike MGM, Fox couldn't edit her out of the movie to please the South because she was the star. Fox paired her with their star Bill "Bojangles" Robinson under the guise of a veiled biopic of Robinson's career. Robinson is show telling his story to a gaggle of kids. It's just an excuse to hang musical numbers; the plot really doesn't matter. Stormy runs 78 minutes, 20 minutes shorter than Cabin, but it contains far more numbers and far less plot. Stormy Weather also boasts the greatest tap number in the history of musicals, and also some of the more uncomfortable scenes of this daily double.

There's a blackface number in Stormy, presented by two light skinned Black men who paint themselves with burnt cork. Their routine is a bunch of Amos 'n Andy doubletalk as the jalopy they're driving suffers an ever increasing number of explosions. I pointed out in my blackface piece that Black performers of the time also partook in it, and I find that a little harder to excuse. Unlike the number in Holiday Inn, the number in Stormy Weather is a little easier to take. It's all dialogue. It's not funny at all, and it is cringe-inducing, but it's in there nonetheless. Just a warning.

Selina gets up and performs one of the musical's 20 numbers. It's great hearing Horne sing, and

Numerous Black stars of the time show up to sing, dance and joke around. Fats Waller, with his

If you know your biopics, Bill's got to get discovered at some point. At Brown's club, he's waiting tables while he waits for his big break. Chick Bailey and Selina show up at the club to give him, Waller and Brown the opportunity to be in his show. Brown shuts her club down immediately and everyone's off to the stage. And if you know your biopics, you'll know that Bill doesn't get the role he wants in the show. But one day he does something

Selina and Bill fall in love, and when Bill doesn't want her to work anymore, it splits them up for a bit, hitting that familiar note in the biopic symphony. Bill goes to Hollywood and it's a tad disappointing when director Andrew Stone doesn't give us a pseudo-Shirley Temple for him to dance with as he rises up the ladder of film success. Stone does give us a small number with Bojangles and a little girl who obviously ain't Shirley Temple to remind us, however.

Horne also sings a song Waters made popular, and she makes it her own. The scene you paid to

Speaking of dance numbers, there's a scene in Stormy Weather that you may not know about, but it's the best one in the flick. Perhaps it's the best dance number in the history of musicals. Fayard and Harold Nicholas, aka The Nicholas Brothers, join Cab Calloway and his band for what Fred Astaire called the greatest tap number he's ever seen. It's not hyperbole. The Nicholas Brothers fly through the air, jumping over each other like acrobats, and with seemingly no regard for their bodies. They hit the floor so hard, and in such splayed configurations, that you cringe before jumping up with delight.

Oh Hell, I can't do it justice. JUST WATCH IT DAMMIT!!!
On Stormy Weather's commentary, the film historian keeps using the word "problematic" to describe some of the imagery presented during the movie. He uses it during an odd darky-flower number and again during that blackface number. But for all its problems, Weather does redeem itself with unedited footage of some of the top Black stars at the height of their fame and at the top of their game. Even though Cabin is better directed and has more of a story, I enjoyed this one more.
Your Homework Assignment:
In honor of stormy weather, go walking in the rain with Oran Juice Jones. And watch every Nicholas Brothers thing you can find.
These are amazing pieces of history/commentary you're churning out, Odie. I'm playing catch-up on the past few days' reading and have found a feast.
If they haven't already, American Legacy should be kicking down your door right quick.
That number is fucking awesome.
I never get tired of watching that number. It's a classic. Now if I can just find that clip of these guys when they were much, much older. They outdanced Savion Glover in that clip too. I know Harold Nicholas and Glover appeared in Gregory Hines' Tap, but this clip had both the Nicholas Brothers in it. They were still sliding and doing splits, but they were OLD.
Oh, and how can I forget Harold Nicholas whipping some ass in Uptown Saturday Night?!
"I'm Little Seymour."
Thirty some years ago when cable tv first came around, one of the cable channels had a set of maybe a dozen or so movies that would rotate endlessly. They were mostly forgettable and even unwatchable things from ancient days, but one of them was Stormy Weather which I would watch whenever I noticed it was on. Mainly I watched to see that tap number, plus the scenes with Cab Calloway. Other parts of the movie seemed to kind of drag, especially after repeated viewings, but it was always worth sitting through those parts to get to the good bits.
Thanks for giving recognition to a movie that is a favorite of mine and one that probably not many people know about.
I can`t believe that it is over 60 years since I saw this film and all these years I`ve been telling my children, grandchildren and now great grandchildren!!! And still Astair was correct: it IS the greatest piece of its kind ever to appear on film
keithalambe, it fills my heart with joy to hear you speak of educating the youth about movies like this one. My Mom told me about it years before I saw it for the first time. I can thank the old indie channels in NYC for running it when I was a kid.
Since you're an expert, can you recommend any other movies of this type that I may or may not have seen? I like to think I'm a good historian, but I'm sure there are some films you may know that I haven't seen.
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