Women in Blaxploitation pictures were disposable characters who usually served two purposes: Screw the hero, and bring him information or a weapon. Youngblood Priest is seen in bed with White girls, but they get far less screen time than The White Girl (ahem, cocaine) in his movie. Shaft’s women are memorable for having a hand clenching orgasm and for telling him to “get it yourself, shitty!” Rudy Ray Moore’s “Kung Fu hos” assisted him in fights and love scenes, both of which were horribly choreographed. As in most B-movies of the era, women were there to be seen and not heard, regardless of race.
Pam Grier changed all that. Already a veteran of B-movies by 1973, she was cast in what

Director Jack Hill’s third collaboration with Pam Grier wastes no time in establishing its premise. Coffy has a problem with drug dealers, and she’s willing to lure them to their violent ends by any means necessary. It isn’t difficult when you’re tall, sexy, confident and have double D guns to go with your actual guns. This wasn’t the typical Blaxploitation hero. Shaft spent the first five minutes of his movie walking through Times Square. In the same amount of time, Coffy sends two bad guys to their Maker, one of them without a head. The poster was right: Coffy will cream you!
Before Coffy, Pam Grier appeared in chicks in chains movies like The Big Bird Cage, its sequel, The Big Doll House, (both by Hill) and Black Mama, White Mama. Mama, a personal genre fave of mine, pairs Grier with leggy blonde Margaret Markov in a sleazy update of The Defiant Ones. They’re handcuffed together, but it doesn’t stop them from having cat fights. Grier was tough, both as hero and villain in her earliest films, but they didn’t start writing her legend until she put on Coffy’s nurse outfit and took on the drug world.
Having a kick-ass female for a hero isn’t Coffy’s only deviation from the genre. The negative portrayal of drugs was also unusual, especially after Super Fly. Super Fly’s hero snorted so much cocaine I’m surprised he was able to stand up. It looked cool, the way Bette Davis’ cigarettes looked cool. Curtis Mayfield said that the film was “a giant commercial for cocaine,” and used his music to counter that. Mayfield’s Pusher Man is a boastful number, but the fool he’s besting in the song is the junkie he holds sway over with his product: He’s your Mama and your Daddy, that is, he owns your ass. It’s telling that Mayfield appears in the film singing this song. Later, he sings on the soundtrack “my life’s a natural high, The Man can’t put no thing on me.” Meanwhile, the people onscreen make Tony Montana look like a newbie.

Meanwhile, Coffy’s current boyfriend, Howard Brunswick (Booker Bradshaw), is running for Congress. He’s not right for our heroine; he’s corrupt as shit and stupid to boot. He, like most of the men in this picture, underestimates Coffy. She thinks he’s busy, but honest. His campaign race gives Coffy time to execute her plan undetected. Little does she know it’ll all end up back at Howard’s.
Coffy goes undercover (and under the covers) as a prostitute for King George (Robert DuQui), the pimp whose bad heroin her sister injected. King George (his theme music goes “George…KING GEORGE!”) dresses in colors that will burn holes in your retinas, and he has a rainbow coalition-worthy stable of women. Coffy pretends to be a Jamaican ho, complete with an accent so bad it makes Miss Cleo sound like Rita Marley, so she can find his stash. She learns of its whereabouts from a hooker named Priscilla, who makes the mistake of threatening Coffy with a knife. Coffy returns the threat with a broken bottle. Check out some of the dialogue in this scene to find out why Grier says she’s a lesbian icon.
Priscilla: Now, listen. My old man's coming back any minute, and if SHE catches you here, she's gonna wanna kick your ass!
(after the bottle gets pulled by Coffy)
Coffy: Now I'm gonna give you another slice to match the one you got from that dope-pushin' pimp, unless you tell me where he keeps the stuff!
Priscilla: No, please! He'll kill me! Ow... ALRIGHT, alright! He's got a fireplace! It's in a box under the ashes!
(Priscilla's tough-looking black lesbian lover/pimp returns suddenly)
Priscilla: Harriet! Harriet!
Harriet: What the hell is going on here?
Priscilla: She busted in here tryin' to make me! Get her outta here!
Harriet: Come on, bitch!
After Coffy escapes Harriet’s clutches, Harriet turns her anger on Priscilla:
Harriet: I go away for half an hour for you to turn a trick... and I come back and find you ballin' some nigga bitch! You WHITE TRAMP!
Back at King George’s, Coffy gets into the greatest cat fight ever committed to celluloid. Titties and broken glass fly everywhere as Coffy’s Afro gives new meaning to the word nappy: One unlucky vixen grabs Coffy’s coif, only to discover it’s loaded with razor blades. (In another film, if memory serves, Grier pulls a gun from her Afro, making her hair the ghetto equivalent of Felix the Cat’s bag.) This display of feminine ferocity gets Coffy her first client for George, a freaky Italian guy named Arturo.
Grier’s Blaxploitation output has been accused of being misogynist, an argument I understand to a point. In all her films, Grier gets abused in ways far worse than the scene I’m about to describe. However, I counter that Pam always gets her payback. James Brown once sang that a woman has to use what she got to get what she wants, and Grier’s characters understand that it may come at the expense of luring the objects of her wrath with her sexuality. In her films, she gets slapped around, abused, and in a Foxy Brown scene her Jackie Brown director would lift for Kill Bill: Volume I, repeatedly raped while unconscious. It’s manipulative, yes, and even distasteful, but this isn’t Merchant Ivory. Without exception, Pam turns the tables and exerts her empowerment on her tormentors. I understand the claim, but it was par for the course in order to see the kind of Black feminine empowerment I enjoyed so much in these pictures.
Arturo is a sick son of a bitch. He spits on the half-naked Coffy as she’s on the floor. I give the film credit for deglamorizing johns, but the racial aspect is truly cringe-worthy, at least until Pam pulls that gun.
Arturo: Crawl, nigger!
Coffy: (pulls gun): You want me to crawl, white muthafucka?
Arturo: What are you doing? Put that down.
Coffy: You want to spit on me and make me crawl? I'm gonna piss on your grave tomorrow.

As aforementioned, it all ends up at Howard’s. Coffy learns that her man is, like all politicians, corrupt. Howard, unlike Arturo, knows how to talk sweet when faced with Coffy’s wrath:
Howard: Now, maybe I have done a few bad things, but that's the way the world is today. Sometimes you have to do a few, little wrong things in order to do one big right thing and that's what I'm trying to do for you and for our people: that big right thing!
Coffy: You always were a good talker, Howard.
If you think Coffy’s going to let Howard off the hook, you haven’t been paying attention.
Coffy is the best of Grier’s run of starring roles in the Blaxploitation era. Hill keeps the film tightly constructed and paced, and it delivers the goods in a savage howl of fury. Grier channels her character’s anger and vengeance right through the screen and into the deepest animal recesses of your being. People have complained about her acting (outside of her accent in the Jamaican scenes, I think she’s fine here), but nobody can deny that this woman knows how to convincingly kick ass.
In the Blaxploitation book I assigned for homework yesterday, Jack Hill expresses regret for making Coffy’s pseudo-sequel, Foxy Brown. Foxy is almost a Coffy remake, but it’s meaner, more graphic, and less tightly paced. One plus of the film, besides Pam’s creatively disgusting use of an airplane propeller, is Kathryn Loder’s performance as a dick-crazy psycho White woman, Foxy’s nemesis. Loder chews the scenery better than Shelley Winters in the prior year’s Cleopatra Jones (which is a must see), baying for her man Steve’s love rocket throughout the picture. When Foxy brings it to her, minus Steve, she recognizes it immediately and drops it on the floor. (It’s that kind of movie, folks.) As the kiss off, Grier delivers the best line she has in the series that includes (in the order I like them) Coffy, Friday Foster, Foxy Brown, and Sheba Baby:
Katherine: Why don’t you kill me too?
Foxy: Death is too good for you, bitch. I want you to SUFFER!

Hurt me. Hurt me good, Ms. Grier! Wham, Bam, Thank You Pam!
"...the movie that put Sam Jackson where he belongs, in Blaxploitation!" hahaha.
Odie, Coffy is the first and only blaxploitation movie I ever saw in the theater-- Film Forum showed it sometime in the late '90s. It was the second trippiest screening of my Film Forum-going career. (First trippiest is Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, of course.)
I was shocked to learn of Robert DoQui's death only from this year's Oscar Death Montage. So many memorable roles, but his appearance in the Robocop flicks and his mustard pimp suit here (the only thing that threatens to upstage Grier's t.ob.'s) are what I remember most.
I think you've identified the two Pam Grier flicks to go in the Smiff zonian: Coffy and Jackie Brown.
(In another film, if memory serves, Grier pulls a gun from her Afro, making her hair the ghetto equivalent of Felix the Cat’s bag.)
...And perhaps an inspiration for Gizmo Man of The Super Globetrotters.
And perhaps an inspiration for Gizmo Man of The Super Globetrotters.
I don't remember him pulling a gun out of his 'fro, or razors either! But then again, the Super Globetrotters are for kids. You may be right. Who knew Hanna-Barbera were closet Blaxploitation junkies!
Boone, Coffy was on Turner Classic Movies a little while ago (I recorded it off there). Foxy Brown came on after it too! I can only imagine Robert Osbourne introducing them: "And now, something different on Turner Classic Movies...muthafuckas!!"
Willie Dynamite's going to be on TCM next Friday night! Will-ay! Oh-oh! Will-ay D yeah! Will-ay D!" I didn't know until yesterday that Martha Reeves sings Willie Dynamite's theme song. She ditched the Vandellas and went to the pimp fellas.
Willie Dynamite is an inspired choice for the TCM Underground series, though it is really a big studio idea of blaxploitation instead of the real thing...blaxploitation produced by Zanuck and Brown! It is really helped by the presence of Diana Sands IMO. Did she EVER give a bad performance?
You rank Ms. Grier's 4 starring vehicles in exactly the same order I do. I find the phony Jamaican accent very charming. If they wanted the real thing there they could have hired Madge Sinclair, though I know she would have refused to do the nude scenes. :)
Hal, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Willie Dynamite. I vividly remember going to see it on 42nd Street back in the day. The audience cheered his hideous costume changes, and it was my first notice of Diana Sands, whom I showcased last year at the Mumf.
Studio picture or not, one cannot help but giggle when you realize Willie is Gordon from Sesame Street. Orman also played a pimp on All My Children, leading to the story he once told about kids writing him asking him not to beat up Big Bird.
Gordon: Bird, where's my money?
Big Bird: Mr. Snuffleupagus has it, Gordon!
Gordon: You know damn well Mr. Snuffleupagus isn't real! Now I gotsta cut you.
As for Pam, I wanted to write more extensively about her movies, but there just aren't enough hours in the day when you travel for work. I'll have to return to some of her roles later at BMV. I always thought she was killer in Fort Apache: The Bronx, and I like her work in Bucktown. There's a Jackie Brown piece that'll play here someday, if I ever get to writing it.
Sheba Baby isn't as terrible as people say it is. Plus, it's PG and still has topless Pam. You couldn't do that today!
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